You’ve heard of Scandinavian blonde or Scandinavian design (hello Ikea!), and now beauty’s coolest trend seems to be born from the same region too. S-Beauty is the next big thing cropping up on everyone’s feeds and beauty shopping lists.
Often referred to as lagom beauty, which translates into moderation, the Scandi skincare routine is as far from Korean beauty then you can get. Just like the functional, minimalist designs and culture of the region, the regimen too has a less-is-more mindset and focuses on using natural ingredients originating from the region.
We’re talking plants that thrive in harsh weather, deep water and a general lack of sunlight. These Nordic-derived ingredients absorb tones of nutrients from the little sunlight that they get, making them extremely potent and active due to the extreme climate they thrive in.
Meaning when they’re pushed into a cream or serum, be assured it’ll be packed with antioxidants.
While Korean beauty brands influenced skincare with 15-step routines and innovative ingredients in interesting formats, S-beauty is all about simple, easy routines that are practical and easy to follow.
Why do we need this? Because K-beauty, with its bizarre ingredients and confusing textures, made it difficult to understand what the product would actually do.
It led to consumers overthinking things, adding unnecessary steps and serious skincare stress, all to stay afloat with a trend.
On the flipside, the Nordic counterparts state exactly what they perform on the label. A thickening shampoo would do just what it says, and the moisturizer well, moisturizes skin.
In other words, it’s all about getting literal, scaling down the complications and using efficacious ingredients to achieve glowing skin. Even the packaging remains minimalist and fuss-free (think white and 50 shades of grey). Now who doesn’t love that?
You don’t have to live in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland or Sweden to reap the benefit’s of 2019’s IT beauty trend. Trust brands like Sachajuan, Verson, Byredo and & Other Stories to get you your fix of lagom beauty.