
Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite Reduction Treatment in Delhi

Transform: is the best treatment to get rid of this stubborn fat/cellulite from thighs, arms & back  

Treatment Options





Wonder Bod


Treatment Options


Try it if: You want to get rid of stubborn cellulite

How does it work?

Everybody hates those orange peel-like dimples on the skin. Women are most prone to them on the thighs, buttocks and sometimes on the abdomen area. Our Transform treatment is a non-invasive technique that helps get rid of inches and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

It involves four different technologies, namely 4D Bipolar Radio Frequency, Infrared Energy, Mechanical Tissue manipulation using Pulsed Vacuum and massage rollers for lymphatic drainage.

Essentially, the high frequency waves cause frictional heat due to exchange of ions, increase the body temperature and expand the arteries and capillaries to improve blood, nutrient and oxygen supply. It also boosts collagen, making the skin more resilient, tighter, and making that dimply skin disappear.

This results in instant inch loss, reduced cellulite and a toned appearance.Great for toned skin before a beach vacation, don’t you think?

The need to knows:

The results are immediate and improve within a week. You must dedicate 1-2 days in a week for a period of 8 sessions to achieve best results.

What are the after effects?

None, this is super safe, non-invasive and effective for all genders.

No downtime, just sometimes some broken blood vessels on treated area that disappear in a few days.


Due to our lifestyles and diet, some of our bodies are prone to retaining water. This often leads to bloating, cellulite and dimply skin. Our lymphatic system is responsible for disposing these fluids from our body, but sometimes the system tends to work slower and cause the aforementioned issues.

With Lymphastim, a special body suit worn by patients provides a gentle mechanical body massage that encourages natural circulation of lymph, that helps remove fluids that cause bloating, from the body.

It eliminates all toxins, reduces inflammation, promotes circulation aids weight loss and helps to reduce varicose veins. It’s also used to treat cellulite, varicose veins and heavy-legs syndrome. PS: you can also try this for post-workout relief!

The need to knows:

A 45-90-minute session, repeated once every 1-2 weeks, is just right to see the best effects.

None. However, you may need to visit the washroom more frequently for a few hours following the treatment to get rid of the toxins.


What is the Aqualyx Treatment?

AQUALYX is a hydrous, micro-gelatinous solution. It contains as active substance deoxycholic-acid, a secondary bile acid.
The active substance is cased with galactose, as well as supplied with an additional two hydroxyl compounds for an increased degree of efficiency of the substance.
Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring acid within the human body that has an essential function concerning the digestion of fat .

How does Aqualyx work?

The solution is injected into the fat through a special AQUALYX™ sharp cannula using a unique trained technique. Lidocaine can be added to the solution before injecting to improve patient comfort levels.

AQUALYX can be used for the dissolution of fat depots. It can be administered over the entire body, except the area around the eyes.
Face: Double Chin, Pre Jowl Sulcus
Body: Upper Arms, Armpits, Waist, Hips, Saddlebags, Knees, Shackles, Augmented fat depots located on Buttocks, Chest, and Inner Thighs
Other: Lipoma, Buffalo Hump .

Before & After Images


Try It If: You want smoother, firmer skin on your body and a noticeable reduction in cellulite.

How Does It Work?
Isya Aesthetics is proud to bring Ultherapy to India as pioneers in the field, earning the Ulthera Golden Record Award for our expertise. While Ultherapy is widely known for its ability to lift and define the face, jawline, and neck, it is also highly effective in treating cellulite and improving skin texture on the body.
Ultherapy is an FDA-approved treatment that uses micro-focused ultrasound to target and treat the deeper layers of the skin, causing micro-heating that stimulates collagen and elastin production. This process tightens and firms the skin, making it an excellent non-invasive option for reducing cellulite and sagging skin on areas such as the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks.
This treatment offers natural, long-lasting results without the need for surgery, making it a popular choice for those looking to enhance their body’s contours.

The Need to Know:
You can see noticeable improvements in cellulite reduction and skin firmness in just one session, with results continuing to enhance over the next three months. The treatment involves numbing the targeted area to minimize discomfort. While the procedure can be mildly uncomfortable, we use numbing cream and a mild painkiller to ensure a more comfortable experience.

What Are the After Effects?
After the treatment, you may experience some redness, mild swelling, and soreness in the treated areas for a few days. These side effects are temporary and will typically resolve on their own, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of smoother, firmer skin with minimal downtime.

Try it if: You want sharp facial features that could put JLo or Hritik Roshan to shame

Isya Aesthetics is the first clinic to bring Ulthera to India and are also a Ulthera Golden Record Award winner–meaning we’re pros who have mastered this technique.

Ultherapy is an FDA-approved treatment which is clinically proven to lift and define the face, jawline, double chin and neck. It uses micro-focused ultrasound to cause micro heating beneath the skin in targeted depth, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to encourage healing.

It’s like the painless version of a face lift but without the surgery, offering super natural, long-lasting results.

It’s a favourite of celebrities like Sharon Stone and the best ally to fight wrinkles and sagging skin on the face, under-eye, neck, chest and brows. If you have heard of HiFu, Ulthera is its big daddy that gives more efficient results.

The need to knows:

You can see immediate results in just one hourly session and this continues to improve for 3 months. There is numbing of the area involved.  It is mildly uncomfortable, but we use numbing cream and a mild tablet painkiller to reduce the intensity of pain.

What Are The After Effects?

There might be some degree of redness, mild swelling and soreness for a few days post the treatment.


What Does the Profhilo Treatment Involve?
Profhilo is a unique injectable treatment that uses a blend of two types of hyaluronic acid (low and high molecular weight) to remodel your skin from within. This treatment is particularly effective for body areas prone to sagging and cellulite. Profhilo stays in place longer than other injectables, allowing it to deeply hydrate and rejuvenate the skin, making it an excellent option for improving skin texture and elasticity, especially on the body.
The procedure involves identifying and marking the areas of the body that require treatment, such as the thighs, abdomen, or buttocks, and then injecting Profhilo to stimulate collagen production and enhance the skin’s firmness.

For the Profhilo body treatment, your skin is numbed for 20-30 minutes to minimize any potential discomfort since this is an injectable procedure. The targeted areas are then marked based on your specific needs and the extent of cellulite or sagging skin.
Given Dr. Kiran’s extensive experience with Profhilo, she customizes the treatment to focus on areas that will benefit the most from this bio-remodeling technique. The injection process itself takes about 10 minutes, with Profhilo being administered into the deeper layers of the skin to maximize its effects.

Want to Dive Deeper Into How This Method of Bio-Remodeling Works?
Here’s what you need to know: The injection process for Profhilo has been meticulously designed and clinically tested to ensure maximum efficacy and comfort. The pre-filled syringe is injected deeply into the dermis using the Bolus technique, which minimizes tissue irritation while ensuring even distribution of the hyaluronic acid.

Downtime typically involves mild swelling that can last a few days to a week, but since this treatment targets larger body areas, the swelling is generally subtle and not very noticeable. You may also experience slight bruising, which can be easily concealed if needed.

Post-treatment care includes applying arnica to reduce bruising, using an antiseptic cream if necessary, and avoiding strenuous activities or skin treatments for 24-48 hours. We recommended limiting your exposure to direct sunlight and avoiding steam rooms or saunas to allow your skin to heal completely.

What Are the Side Effects?
The side effects of Profhilo are similar to those of other injectable treatments, such as temporary bruising and swelling. These typically subside within a week. There are no long-term side effects to be concerned about.
Who Is the Best Candidate?
Profhilo is ideal for individuals seeking to improve the look of sagging skin and cellulite on the body. If your skin lacks firmness and hydration, or if you are troubled by cellulite, Profhilo can help rejuvenate these areas, making the skin look more youthful and supple. Both younger and older clients can benefit from this treatment, though older clients might need additional sessions to address more pronounced concerns.
Who Should Not Opt for Profhilo?
Profhilo is highly effective for anti-aging and improving skin texture, but it is not suitable for treating conditions like acne or hyperpigmentation. If cellulite or sagging skin is your primary concern, Profhilo is a suitable choice.

Profhilo vs. Dermal Fillers
Profhilo requires fewer treatment sessions and targets fewer injection sites, resulting in less discomfort and virtually no downtime. While dermal fillers are effective for adding volume and contouring specific areas of the face, Profhilo works by remodeling the skin from within, making it genuinely healthier and more youthful over time.
Unlike fillers, which provide immediate but superficial results, Profhilo improves the skin’s overall health by stimulating collagen and elastin production, resulting in a natural and long-lasting effect.

The cost of Profhilo for body treatments depends on the size of the area being treated and the number of sessions required. Typically, two sessions are recommended, spaced a month apart, for optimal results. If necessary, a third session can be added.

How Many Profhilo Treatments Will I Need?
Treatment frequency varies depending on your skin’s response to the injectable. While two sessions are usually sufficient, additional sessions can be considered to further enhance the skin’s appearance and texture.
How Long Does a Profhilo Procedure Last?
The effects of Profhilo last between 6 months to a year, depending on the number of sessions completed and individual skin factors. You may opt for follow-up treatments after six months to maintain the benefits.
Are There Any Side Effects of the Profhilo Treatment?
The side effects are minimal and include temporary swelling and minor bruising, which typically resolve on their own. There are no long-term side effects.
What Results Should I Expect from the Profhilo Treatment?
With Profhilo, you can expect your skin to appear firmer, smoother, and more hydrated, with a noticeable reduction in cellulite. The overall texture and elasticity of your skin will improve, giving it a more youthful and revitalized appearance.

Wonder Bod

Try It If: You want to reduce the appearance of cellulite and achieve smoother, firmer skin on your body.

How Does It Work?
Wonder Bod is a cutting-edge treatment designed to target and reduce cellulite, helping you achieve a more toned and sculpted appearance. This advanced technology combines electromagnetic energy and radiofrequency to stimulate muscle contractions and promote collagen production. The dual-action approach not only tones and tightens the muscles but also improves the skin’s texture, making it an effective solution for reducing cellulite on areas like the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks.
Wonder Bod works by delivering deep tissue stimulation that enhances blood flow, breaks down fat cells, and promotes lymphatic drainage. The result is smoother skin with reduced dimpling and a more contoured look without the need for surgery or invasive procedures.

The Need to Know:
With Wonder Bod, you can see noticeable improvements in the texture and firmness of your skin after just a few sessions. Each treatment session is quick, typically lasting about 30 minutes, and is customized to target specific areas of concern. The procedure is non-invasive and generally comfortable, with most clients experiencing a warming sensation during the treatment.

What Are the After Effects?
After the treatment, you might experience mild redness and slight tenderness in the treated areas, which usually subsides within a few hours. There is no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately while your skin continues to improve in tone and texture over the following weeks.


What Does The Profhilo Treatment Involve?
The Profhilo treatment makes use of a blend of two different types of hyaluronic acid (low and high molecular weight) that work to remodel your skin’s layers, from the inside, and stays in place longer than other injectables.

It involves mapping and then injecting the areas of your face (and possibly, neck) that requires the treatment.

For Profhilo, your skin is first numbed for 20-30 minutes to minimise any possible discomfort since this is an injectable treatment. We then go on to mark the areas that we are going to inject and treat.

Since Dr. Kiran has years of experience with Profhilo (from before it made its way to India), she optimises the treatment for your needs by custom marking exactly the areas that truly need to be worked on.

Then, injecting the biomodulator takes 10 minutes at the max and you’re done!

Want To Dive Deeper Into How This Method Of Bio-Remodeling Works?
Here’s what the Profhilo has to say:
The injection process for Profhilo has been carefully designed and clinically tested for maximum efficiency and client comfort. Each pre-filled syringe is carefully injected deeply into the dermis.

Following the Bolus technique, the physician slowly and smoothly releases the Profhilo serum with very little tissue distension or irritation.

You can also learn more about the process at this link.

Downtime usually consists of a little swelling for a few days, going up to a week at the maximum. However, this swelling is on your entire face so it’s not very noticeable.

You may also experience a little bit of bruising which can be easily covered with a concealer—we’ll even teach you how to do it, if you’ll like.

The treatment can cause some bruising—you can use some arnica to treat it. Use an antiseptic cream or Vaseline jelly on the area if needed and you can continue with your regular routine right after the treatment.

Call it a lunchtime procedure, if you may. We do recommend avoiding any workouts for 24-48 hours and definitely avoiding any further skin treatments for a few days.

Stay out of the sun as much as you can and skip the steam or sauna as well to let your skin recover completely without any irritants.

What Are The Side-Effects?
The side-effects of Profhilo are just like those of dermal fillers which only include temporary bruising and swelling that subside within a week. There are no long-term side effects you need to worry about.

Who Is The Best Candidate?
If your skin is lacking lustre, hydration, tautness and just feeling limp, aged and lifeless on the whole, Profhilo is the perfect treatment for you.

While we often see an immediate lift and glow, over the next few weeks after your procedure. It increases, skin suppleness and tautness increases as does elasticity along with an added glow.

Younger clients end up with a sort of ‘je ne sais quoi’ looking better but just can’t put a finger on why they are looking more perky. Older clients feel and often see more of a visible lift, although some have deeper dehydration and collagen loss so may need more sessions to treat those concerns.

Consult with us to further understand what your best options are and if Profhilo will be able to address all your pressing skin concerns.

Who Should Not Opt For Profhilo?
Profhilo is one of the best anti-wrinkle treatments on the market and is a brilliant anti-aging solution due to its collagen and elastin stimulating properties. If you’re looking for a solution for acne or hyperpigmentation, we advise you to try another in-clinic procedure to treat those concerns.

However, if signs of aging are your primary concern, pick Profhilo.

Profhilo Vs Dermal Fillers ?
When administering Profhilo, you require a reduced number of treatment sessions, need to do it on lesser injection sites which also means lesser discomfort and essentially almost no downtime.

While dermal fillers structure the face, plump lips, lift skin and visibly improve the appearance of signs of aging.

Profhilo works on healing and remodelling the skin from within, genuinely making it younger and healthier as opposed to superficially filling it in.

The results you see with Profhilo is natural as opposed to dermal fillers. This is because the hyaluronic acid composition in Profhilo works on the deeper layers of your skin to make it younger whereas fillers are only able to work on the appearance which wears off eventually.

Profhilo makes your skin healthier and assists it in regenerating better, like it did in your youth.

Regular dermal fillers are a great option for those looking to treat their skin at a younger stage and provide it with additional hydration.

However, if you want to treat prevalent signs of aging and truly make your skin younger, if we may say so, Profhilo is the way to go.

The injectable is made with 100% hyaluronic acid which is bio compatible and no chemicals at all, bringing the risk factor associated with it down to nil.

Fillers can be used for younger and older clients to solve a problem. If they want higher or more defined cheeks, a stronger jawline, a visible lift, a shaped chin, lighter under eye circles, remodelled nose, facial shaping or optimisation or lines filled.

On the other hand, Profilho is for biostimulation to actually reverse time and make your skin younger and deeply hydrated and more supple. It doesn’t fill you or solve a specific problem. It reduces the risk of seeing the signs of aging early.

Must Read: 10 Reasons Profhilo is Better than Botox & Dermal Fillers

Cost ?
The cost of the treatment depends on the size of the area of your face that requires the injectable and the number of sessions. Typically, we suggest signing up for two sessions keeping a gap of a month (or more based on how it works for your skin) for best results. If your skin needs it, we can also do an added third session.

How Many Profhilo Treatments Will I Need?
The number of treatments you require depends on how your skin adjusts to the injectable. While we recommend two sessions at the minimum, we can also incorporate a third session into your treatment if you’d like to further improve the appearance of your skin.

How Long Does A Profhilo Procedure Last?
The effects of your Profhilo treatment (after you’ve got a minimum of two sessions) will last for 6 months to a year depending on how many sessions you’ve had.

This is subjective to your age and your skin’s natural health. You can also sign up for the treatment once again after the six month mark after a consultation to give your skin another dose of hydration.

Are There Any Side Effects Of The Profhilo Treatment?
There are no side effects of the Profhilo treatment that you need to be wary of. You may observe temporary swelling for a few days and possible minor bruising, but these go away by themselves—there are no long term negative effects to worry about.

What Results Should I Expect From The Profhilo Treatment?
With the Profhilo treatment, expect your skin to appear at least 5 years younger. It will be plumper, hydrated, smoother, show lesser signs of ageing and appear a lot more youthful on the whole.

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